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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Everyone laughed at her explanation and her mother said, “it’s good to know your elder than her but you act like child”. They all laughed at her again, seeing that they are all laughing and making fun of her, she said, “since it’s my sister in laws birthday I will let it pass for once”. Her mother asked her, “what did you mean by your not interested in city A, market are you planning on moving to another city or”, she just said, “it’s nothing let’s say I’m contented with the small money I have”, they all said, “huh, small money when you own one of the best restaurant in city A”, that made them to think of lawyer Jack of city A firm was he a friend of hers or his subordinates as far as they know city A, firm became an issue and good six years ago, since then until today they have not lost any case making them the leading law firm company in city A.

They wanted to asked her, her connection with city A, but they didn’t know where to begin and seeing Natasha and her family they decide to ask her when it’s convenient, just then they heard the knock on the door, they allowed the person to enter, the manager come forward greeted them and said to Sandra, “mama, everything is done within one hour we will her their family company declare bankrupt I made sure no company can help them”.

“Anything else you want me to do”, “no for now kindly help us with menu and please prepare a vvip care to everyone in this room anytime they come take the to the rooftop”. They manager called for the waitress they made their order and continued charting about different topics, Levy invited Natasha’s family for the Anthony family party next week.

They were so happy to get invited to a party for first class family and promised to be present, soon their meal was served and they began enjoying their lunch. Matilda said now I know why people love eating from here and why you are becoming my biggest threat, the food here is no worse than Brovard”, “what do you mean Brovard, as in Brovard hotels and restaurant, don’t tell me you’re the mysterious owner” Deborah asked, Sandra replied, “yes she’s the owner, I guess it runs in our blood to be successful in hotel and restaurant business”. “huh”, Deborah, Natasha and her family were surprised, Natasha’s parents were surprised more they wondered, “which kind of people did their daughter made friend with”.

First they turned out to be the former Anthony family of city A, now, they own Brovard hotels and restaurant, Lover’s restaurant. Deborah said, “sister in law I think all the information we know about you and your family is fake but I love you even more”. “Untie Matilda how do you feel to be competing with your daughter all along:”

They all laughed, Matilda said, “I didn’t know you love violence like this, but what I know is that my daughter can’t even differentiate boiled water how will she compete with a chef like me”. Sandra said, “slowly mum, you are embracing me in front of my husband, in laws and friends, if I decide to settle for hotel and restaurant business you may not have a job”.


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