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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8

This made him feel honoured because it was the first time his daughter and wife told him how happy they are of him, and it motivated him to strive harder to improve and make them even more proud of him.

They were interrupted by a phone call, so they broke the silence to see whose phone was calling. It turned out to be Sandra's phone, with an unknown number, and she questioned who it could be even though she answered the phone. Who could this possibly be?

"This is William from the Anthony family. Mr. Levy told you to meet him at the civil affairs bureau tomorrow at 12PM to get your marriage certificate."

For a few seconds, she was quiet and wondered if this was how they spoke to people without even greeting them, but she just left it be. She was relieved that her father had been granted his release and that they now had their own home. So she answered, "Okay, thank you, I'll be there on time," and then hung up without waiting for a response from the other end.

After she hung up, her parents asked who she was talking to. She answered, "Anthony family are informing about the time we will be going to civil affairs bureau to get our marriage certificate," as if she wasn't the one getting married. Her parents exchanged glances but remained silent; they chose to believe in their daughter and promised to be there for her anytime she needed them.


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