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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82

That’s how they introduced themselves as the poor people from the country side who were friends with the old people. They showed their sympathy and promised to help old man smith to look after his family and he should never hesitate to ask for help from them. They said to him, “we may be poor but at least we can be there for you if you ever need us”.

Since they made it clear that they’re poor and hard nothing. They were no threat to them. As time went by Andrew the little boy grew up and hard his own family. Due to their insecurities they did everything possible to kill him and his family however all their plans went into veins. Every time they plan something to happen to Andrew. They did not know what happened in between but all their plans failed all the time.

“Now I know you’re wondering, how did I know all this?, It’s because I’m the real old man smith”. “What?”, “are you not dead according to the story you told us how come you’re alive”. The old woman laughed at her self and said, “I told that bastard to confirm whether you died because deep down knew you can not die like that. But if you’re not dead then whose body did we bury that day?”.

Old man smith and Sandra laughed at her and said, “I like the fact that your six sense is always right. But too bad you don’t listen to it or follow it. If you did all this may not have happened”. “So how come am still alive?, and kicking standing right in front of you safe and sound right. This a question everyone is asking them self!”.

“On the day of my accident, I was traveling with my personal bodyguard and driver, however I did not tell my personal assistant about it so he thought I will be driving alone to capital since he already told me I will find him their doing all the preparations. Indeed everything was prepared when I reached the capital, the deal went smoothly and I had to return to City A, that very day. I did not want to live my pregnant wife alone for so long”. Talking about his wife he hard some tears in his eyes. The pain was evident that he misses her.


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