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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Yes many people thought she was crazy but she was not crazy but depressed. She prayed and prayed for her husband because deep down she knew he was alive, she knew he will never leave her, she he will come back for her, for their child. She looked at him with tears in her eyes and said, “how can I not forgive, all these years I have been waiting for your return to us. I knew you can not leave us so thank you for not giving up on us. you have been through a lot. You have suffered a lot more than us. Let’s forget the past a create happy memories. We have our son and his family so it’s not to let to enjoy our remaining years together. We don’t have forever to spend on hurting ourselves. You’re not to be blamed, you’re also a victim”.

Since they loved each so much, it was so easy for them to forgive each other. They hugged and old man could not stop himself from saying, “oh, it’s been long since I hugged you”. Old woman smiled like a child. Her husband was back.

Seeing them like this Sandra and her family smiled this is what they always wanted a peaceful family. They took the old people to their home. This time they did not bather to organize separate bedrooms for them they just made them sleep together. “Mum, dad, this is your room it has been waiting for you. Anytime you come to visit us this will always be your room you can stay for as long as you want and feel free to do whatever you want this is your home too”. They were shy and grateful that their son never forgot them he was not brain washed by those monsters.

In the evening Levy Anthony came to take his wife home, his assistant was following him with more than ten boxes. All the boxes were presented in front of his in laws. He acknowledged their presence before he said, “mum, dad, these are gift for you”. Before they could ask any questions other people also came in with a lot of gifts in their hands they asked William his assistant, “where should we place these things?”. “You can put them there”, Levy answered before William could do. he was pointing in front of the old people.

Sandra asked him, “what is it with a lot of gifts, is there an occasion we don’t know of”. Levy answered, “not really, I’m simply congratulating my in laws on getting there freedom and becoming a family as their good son in law”. Sandra rolled her eyes at that and muttered, “indeed good son in law. You did not have time for his hand in marriage”. Levy was embarrassed when she what she said. He looked at her as if telling her can’t you give some face to your husband. You want me to be the first person your grandparents disliked. William coughed. Indeed his boss lady was straight forward person even though she said in a low voice, all the people in the living room heard it.


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