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My Killing President novel Chapter 743

When director Lee saw the frightful gaze from Annabelle Xia, he grinned threateningly, "Why? Are you surprised to see me?"

"I am no longer surprised with anything you do!" Annabelle Xia tried to reply calmly. After what happened in Yun Rui one year ago, she understood what director Lee was capable of.

Although Ralphy Xia was the person behind everything…

Director Lee's face was twisted in malice, "I have been waiting for this chance for one year! Annabelle Xia, the reason I ended up like this today is because of you and Alistair Mu. But rest assured… I am a merciful man. And I will kindly let the two of you die together!" Director Lee said with a distorted smile.

As Annabelle Xia looked at director Lee, she noticed that the man had already lost his mind. The woman was thinking hard for every possible means of escape!

As she looked around, all of a sudden she felt helpless. This time round, she just couldn't see any hope for escape and it was completely different from what she had ever experienced…

Director Lee's hatred towards them was unresolvable. The man was dead set to take their lives!

At that moment, the only thing Annabelle Xia was worried about was Alistair Mu's safety. And she just hoped that Alistair Mu wouldn't come.

Because the woman felt that director Lee had been scheming for this meticulously. It was just impossible for them to leave safely.

The woman was overcome with terror and anguish.

"Director Lee, what happened to you isn't because of us. It is the consequence of your very own actions!" Annabelle Xia looked at him and said. Since he was already on the verge of madness, she might as well provoke him. And hopefully the man would ruin his own plan and ‘settle' everything before Alistair Mu comes.

Right after Annabelle Xia said that, director Lee's eyes turned colder, "What did you say?"

"Isn't that the case? You have always been blaming me and Alistair Mu. Why didn't you blame your own greed? If you hadn't tried to steal the position in Yun Rui, why would anything happen to you at all?" Annabelle Xia shouted at him.

"Shut up! What do you know!? I have sacrificed so much for Yun Rui and the two of you simply kick me out from the company. What do you think I am?!" Director Lee roared. The man didn't feel a single ounce of self-blame and he felt that all of his actions were justified.

"Everything I did to Yun Rui was a righteous judgment to you and Alistair Mu!!" Director Lee continued to scream in hysteria.

"Really? Was that what you have been thinking all along? Why not you think of it this way, if you had stayed in your position as a shareholder obediently, you would be receiving your dividend now. You don't even need to lift a finger! It was your greed that caused you everything. You deserve every bit of the punishment right now. You know what? You are just a sore loser to blame everything on me and Alistair Mu!" Annabelle Xia enunciated. Every word of hers was sharp like a piercing knife. The man was humiliated.

"Shut up!" Director Lee erupted and he dashed over and gave Annabelle Xia a heavy slap, "If you speak another word, I will kill you right now!"

"Go ahead, director Lee! Surely you must know that Yun Rui had been doing great for the past two years. Those shareholders are just earning a much greater income than the time when you were in!"

Director Lee was aware of what happened in Yun Rui. And that made the man regretful and hateful.


Director Lee was just feeling the impulse to kill Annabelle Xia. The woman was just infuriating and he couldn't take it anymore!

"You want to die so much? Okay, I have no problem with that!" As he said that, he looked at a crowbar on the floor. The man took it up with a sinister smile and approached Annabelle Xia slowly.

The moment he raised the crowbar, they heard a loud screech of car tyre.

The crowbar stopped in mid air. Just a few seconds and Annabelle Xia would be severely harmed.

Annabelle Xia shut her eyes and she was ready for the blow. However, the bludgeoning did not fall on her but the loud screech made her heart tightened. The woman was even more fearful and worried now.

Director looked at Annabelle Xia and said, "Are you trying to hasten your death? Take it easy, let's let Alistair Mu watch how you die!" Director Lee said with a depraved expression.

Annabelle Xia's eyebrows furrowed deeply. Director Lee had completely lost it!

Annabelle Xia knew he was crazy and she couldn't describe his insanity anymore.

She was terrorized to imagine when Alistair Mu saw her… The man wouldn't be able to accept it!

She shook her head, "Director Lee, I know you don't dare! You don't have the guts to kill me! You are only all talk and when it comes to the real thing, you wouldn't be able to do it!" Annabelle Xia said scornfully.

When she heard the footsteps, she knew that it was Alistair Mu.

The woman couldn't help but recalled what Alistair Mu once told her. If you truly love a person, you wouldn't need to look and you could tell from the sound of his footsteps and breathing…

Previously, Annabelle Xia thought that Alistair Mu was just teasing her. But at that very moment, she could completely identify with what he said!

"Alistair Mu, don't come in! No!! He has no plans to let me go, even if you come in, he wouldn't let me go!" Annabelle Xia screamed towards the door.


Director Lee gave Annabelle Xia and another heavy slap, "Shut the hell up! Don't worry, he will definitely come in!"

The man had heard about Alistair Mu's dogged stubbornness towards the woman for the past year!

And he had no doubt.

Annabelle Xia's lips were bleeding. She looked at director Lee and squinted her eyes.

As soon as Alistair Mu heard the sound from inside, he rushed in immediately.

The moment he got inside the building, he saw Annabelle Xia cuffed on a pole and three men standing beside her. Two of them were wearing the janitor's uniform with a mask. And the last one… was director Lee!

Alistair Mu examined the situation carefully. When he saw the blood on Annabelle Xia's lips, his gaze sharpened.

"Alistair, run away!!" Annabelle Xia screamed.

"You are here, where should I go?"

"Listen to me, go right now!" Annabelle Xia yelled in anguish.

"I will only go together with you!"

Annabelle Xia didn't know what else to say. She looked at him anxiously and powerlessly…

"So it was you, director Lee!" Alistair Mu stared at him and gnashed his teeth.

Director Lee looked back at Alistair Mu and smirked, "President Mu, long time no see!"

"I have brought you the money. Release her now!" After saying that, Alistair Mu threw the bag of money towards the men.

Director Lee was completely unbothered and he sneered at him, "I've always heard how fervent you were to Annabelle Xia. Today I finally witness it!"

"Cut your bullshit and release her!" Alistair Mu said sternly.

Director Lee broke into a laughter suddenly, "Alistair Mu, I'm afraid you still haven't make clear of the situation you are in!"

"What do you mean?" Alistair Mu frowned and stared at him.

Chapter 743 Revenge 1

Chapter 743 Revenge 2


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