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My Love My Hatred (Jennie and Lance) novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100 Body Check-up

The smile Lance had on his face at that moment showed that he was really happy. I have never seen him be this happy ever.

But the baby stopped moving afterwards.

Lance waited for a long time to feel his movement again but the baby just stopped moving, he tilted his head up and looked at me disappointedly, “Why isn’t he moving?”

I was speechless and felt that Lance had become more stupid.

“How would I know? The doctor said the movement of the baby will be more often when he gets bigger.”

Lance rubbed my baby bump again and asked, “The next appointment is around the corner, right?”

I thought for a second before I spoke, “Yes, it’s next Monday, to do the Down Syndrome screening test.”

“What is that for?” Lance asked.

“To check if the baby is deformed, if yes, we will need to do abortion.” I answered.

Lanced knitted his eyebrows together when he heard the word ‘abortion’ and said, “Deformity? Are you saying that the baby will be deformed?”

He looked at me coldly and that made me shivered with goodbumps.

“It is just a check-up! To check on the baby!”

I explained to him and I saw him looking at me intensely.

“How could you say the word ‘deformed’ so easily without any emotions!” He barked.

I didn’t know how to respond to Lance.

Maybe he needs a healthy heir, that’s why he was acting agitated.



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