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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 136

Chapter 136 Duke had introduced an important client of the Winters family to her. What did that mean?

It meant Duke treated her like family!

When Dew thought about that, her smile became brighter. “Mr. Johnson, even though you have less hair, you still look quite handsome.”

She flattered Adrian softly.

When the beautiful lady complimented his looks, Adrian felt extremely happy. He humbly said, “Ms. Daugherty, you’re truly a gorgeous woman. I attended so many banquets in Sea City, but this is the first time I saw someone like you who looks more beautiful than Marilyn Monroe.” Dew’s eyes crinkled when she smiled. No woman hated compliments, especially when they came from a successful man like that. She lowered her head and pursed her lips. She acted like she was a coquettish person.

Duke drank half of the wine in his glass before he indifferently said, “Ms. Daugherty has just been discharged from the hospital, so she isn’t feeling very well. Mr. Johnson, please help me look after her.”

Adrian immediately nodded. “Don’t worry, Mr. Winters. I’ll take good care of her.” Dew sensed that something was wrong, so she turned around and said, “Duke, it’s better to have you take care of me. I–” “I’m going to the washroom, so I can’t look after you.” Duke moved out of her grip before he turned around and walked away.

Dew bit her bottom lip, and the bad feeling in her heart grew stronger.

“Ms. Daugherty, let’s have a seat over there and talk.” Adrian smiled and spoke in a flattering manner. “I heard that the Daugherty family has some heavy industry business. I wonder if I have a chance to collaborate with the Daugherty family.”

When Dew heard it, she immediately suppressed her bad feeling.

If she could secure the Johnson family as their client, she might be able to salvage her bad image in the minds of Daugherty Corporation’s shareholders.


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