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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 139

Chapter 139

“Aunt Adina, I miss you.” Harold cried loudly as he held Adina’s neck tightly. He leaned on her shoulder and kept sobbing

When Alden heard the cries, he walked outside. When he saw Harold, his gaze became unfriendly. “Why are you still here?” Adina carried Harold and frowned as she asked, “What happened?”

“Aunt Adina, I came to look for you, but he didn’t allow me to come in. He chased me out.” Harold sobbed as he complained. “I miss you and Mel. I just want to see you. I won’t do anything bad.” Blue veins popped up on Alden’s forehead. An hour ago, Harold had knocked on their door and insisted on rushing into the house. Alden had asked Uncle Ethan’s assistant to leave for a long time, so only he and Melody were at home. Why would he allow a stranger to enter? He closed the door strongly, and he thought Harold would sensibly leave. Unexpectedly, Harold waited at the door for an hour. What was more unexpected was that Harold complained about him to his mother.

Adina felt a headache coming.

This young master of the Winters family was really mischievous.

Why did he come to her house in the middle of the night?

Luckily, she had left two hours early, or this brat would definitely catch a cold when he hid in the flowerbed.

She sighed and helplessly said, “Okay, stop crying. Let’s go inside and wash your face.”

She carried Harold into the living room.

Harold leaned on her shoulder. He secretly stuck his tongue out and made a face at Alden.

Alden was speechless.

He knew this brat was up to no good!

He walked in and nonchalantly said, “Mom, he must have sneaked out. His family should be looking for him now.”


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