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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 158

Chapter 158 “If the air there were clean, would I have stayed in Ascrialia for such a long time?” Mrs. Winters said coldly. “I’ll ask my people to pick Harold up so that he can live with me for a few months.”

“No,” Duke rejected her request resolutely. “I’ve arranged a course for him, so he can’t go to Ascrialia now.”

“Duke, I’m old, and I need someone to keep me company,” Mrs. Winters’ tone was cold and fierce yet inferior. “I’m living alone in Ascrialia in such a big manor. Do you know how I spend my days? I’m not asking you to come and visit me. I just want one of the boys to accompany me for some time. Do you have to turn me down like that?” Duke became silent, which was rare. When the boys were one month old, he had sent them to Ascrialia for his mother to take care of them.

Back then, he could not accept that he suddenly had two kids. Besides, his mother had always wanted to have grandchildren, so he sent them to Ascrialia to fulfill her wish. Unexpectedly, after the boys lived abroad for three months, they were stolen due to his mother’s negligence. That accident made him realize how important the boys were to him.

From then on, he officially accepted the two children into his life. He brought them back with him without caring about his mother’s opposition and never sent them to Ascrialia anymore.

It was only when George needed to go for a work trip that he would visit his grandmother in Ascrialia.

“Duke, I know that you’re reluctant to part with George and Harold, so I won’t force you either. Perhaps we could do it this way…” Mrs. Winters made a concession. “You and Dew should get married as soon as possible, then you can have another child. Once the baby is born, send the baby to Ascrialia, and I’ll raise it for you. It’ll be the same as our past arrangement.”

“I’ve told you many times that I’ll never marry her.” Duke’s voice was unquestionable.

“You slept with that woman five years ago. She’s George and Harold’s biological mother. If you don’t marry her, who are you going to marry?” “Mom, don’t bother.” Duke frowned. “I’ll never marry a woman I don’t love. Don’t bring this up again.” After he spoke, he hung up. When Mrs. Winters heard the beep from the phone, she sighed deeply. She and Duke had been facing such a situation for many years. No matter what they talked

about, they would always end up parting unhappily.


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