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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 169

Chapter 169

Alice was thirty two years old, which was the most mature and charming age for a woman.

She was a blonde lady Her curly golden hair fell on her shoulders, het eyes were green, and her nose was straight. She emanated an elegant auta.

Duke was holding a contract and getting ready to leave

He was not interested in anything related to Dew If Dew wanted to practice piano in the daytime, he would not come home during that period

Just as he was about to leave, he saw Alice coming in

He raised his eyebrows and looked slightly surprised

George had actually hired the famous skilled pianist to be Dew’s teacher

Duke had attended one of Alice’s concerts in the past, and he had been very impressed He pulled back the foot that he had already extended and reached out to Alice “Me Alice

Alice elegantly smiled. “Mr Winters, I’ve heard about you for a long time We’ve finally met today It’s an honor

When Dew saw this, she was slightly taken aback

She had been with Duke for four years and had aluo ftuct some clients with him that no matter how great his client’s baskyround was, Duke would look indifferent it was her first time seeing Duke take the initiative to shake hands with someone else

Did this mean that Duke respected Alice very much

If she successfully became Alice’s student, would Duke change his mind about her? When Dew thought about it, she walked over “Mx Alice, I’m Dew Daugherty I’ll be your student *

Alice turned around she looked at Dew’s fingers before she looked at the piano in the living room. “Let me hear you play so that I can determine your level first,” she said indifferently


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