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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Oh gosh! Was he really stupid? Adina could not help but laugh. Alden was always very reserved. He never showed off his high intelligence. Yet. he had purposely boasted about his intelligence to Harold today. Clearly, Alden treated Harold as his family. Alden hated Harold not too long ago, but why did he suddenly accept Harold? Adina stared at Alden as she tried to figure something out from his expression.

Alden felt very awkward because of her stare, so he got up and said, “Mom, I’d like to go to the restroom.”

He pulled open the door and walked out before he hit someone, who was standing nearby.

George had been there for a long time.

Before he pushed open the ward door, he had heard some happy laughter and chit-chatting from inside.

He did not have to go inside to know that Adina was present.

He had to admit that this woman’s voice was as gentle as the rain in spring. No wonder Harold was deeply fond of her.

He had set this woman up yesterday, so not wanting to meet her face to face, he waited outside.

Unexpectedly, a child ran into him.

When they stared each other in the eyes, both of them saw surprise.

Something flashed in Alden’s eyes. Why did this boy who was about the same age as him look so familiar? He narrowed his eyes, and countless thoughts crossed his mind.


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