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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 201

Chapter 201

George picked up the broken Transformer from the floor, fixed it up nicely, and placed in beside the bed

“No matter what, she’s our mother You can refuse to love her, but you have to respect her,” he said stojcally

Harold rubbed his red eyes without answering George knew that they could not keep talking about the subject He paused for a while before he resumed “Were those two lids who came to visit you the night before yesterday your classmates from preschool?” Harold’s mood instantly brightened He smiled falntly, and his eyes were filled with joy “They’re Alden and Melody They came with Aunt Adina lo visit me”

“Melody?” George looked up “The girl’s name is Melody?” “Yes, I call her Mel George, I’m telling you, Mel’s so cute she doesn’t like to speak, but her eyes are full of stories. Her eyes are as big as black grapes Whenever Mel looks at me, I feel like i have the whole world.”

Harold’s eyes were bright like the Milky Way

George was influenced by Harold’s emotions. He nodded and said, “You can invite Mel to our house for dinner next time”


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