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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 206

Chapter 206

“It’s LaStar Technology Corporation, right?”

Alden’s heart sank

This man knew everything indeed

He pursed his lips and walked into the ward He pushed the door open and stood at the door. “Mom, I want to go home”

Adina was feeding Harold, and she was stunned. “Why do you suddenly want to go back? Give me live more minutes. We’ll leave after I finish feeding Harold.”

“I want to go home now.” Alden was rarely that insistent. He almost never acted presumptuously in front of so many people Adina thought that he was not feeling well, so she just placed the remaining food in Duke’s hand. You can feed Harold then. We’ll be off now.”

Alden tiad already turned around and left. Adina then held Melody’s hand and ran after him.

Duke and Harold were instantly left in the ward.

Harold still had some food in his mouth that he had not swallowed. When he looked at the suddenly empty ward, he pouled. “Dad, you’re terrible You just scared Alden and made him leave as soon as you camne! He’s gone, and Aunt Adina and Mel are gone too. Whaa! Why am I so unlucky?”

He opened his mouth and cried out loud. The food in his mouth instantly spilled onto the bed.

Duke was speechless

He also wanted to know why Alden would suddenly want to leave

He even thought that they had a pretty good conversation earlier. No matter what, he could not figure out whiat he had said to offend Alden.

However, this was not the time to think about that. Harold cried so terribly that he even flipped a bowl of soup on the table the place was a mess.


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