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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 208

Chapter 208

K typed, (Let me say it again. I’m not an uncle!) Alden asked, (Does Dark Net organize the Challenge Duel every year?] K replied, (Hey, why are you interested in it now? I asked you to be the ringmaster last year, but you turned me down.]

Alden responded with, (just say yes or no.)

Kthen typed, [Yes, it has already started this year.] One minute later, a notification popped up on Dark Net’s system. [The Supreme Hacker, Sir Daugherty, is challenging the Bronze Hacker, Harold Who Loves Milk] K said, [D*mn it! You’re actually challenging a Bronze hacker. You’ve embarrassed the Supreme hackers! Sir Daugherty! Hey, Sir Daugherty, don’t go away. Come back here and talk to me!]

But Alden directly went offline. If he stood against George in person, he would not be able to explain it to his mother. Therefore, they had to have a man-to-man showdown on Dark Net. “Beep! Beep!” George suddenly received a message in his invisible account. He frowned and clicked on it. It was a notification sent by the system. (Hi, Harold Who Loves Milk, a Supreme Hacker, Sir Daugherty, is challenging you. Please respond within three days, or it will be considered a rejection after the duration is over.]

He had registered his account on Dark Net about a year ago.

At that time, his dad had summoned him halfway through his registration. Harold then sneaked into his study and helped him complete the latter stage of his registration. Therefore, he was forced to have such a nondescript nickname. He did not like the nickname, and his dad did not allow him to do anything that involved hackers, so he rarely used the account. It was just the night before last when he suddenly thought of investigating Adina that he used the account. He had covered himself with a small shield, bypassed the IP address, and entered LaStar Technology Corporation’s official website. George cast a glance at the account and realized that a dozen thousand users were following him for no reason.


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