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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 212

Chapter 212

Then, she sent him a voice message. “George, my friend sent me this video. The middle-aged woman in the video is the mother of the culprit who hit Harold. If the culprit’s mother is telling the truth, then Adina has to be behind it!”

That morning, George had a course to attend. He was reading a book in his study when his phone started vibrating. He narrowed his eyes and looked at it, spotting Adina’s name. Perhaps Harold was too invested in Adina. Perhaps Adina had a grudge against their mother. Perhaps it was because of other reasons. Whatever it was, George was highly interested in everything that was related to Adina. Previously, he would never answer any call or text message from Dew whenever he was working or studying. This time, however, he tapped open the message, and the video automatically played. After the video finished playing, Dew sent him another voice message. “George, Adina did this. You have to get justice for Harold!”

George pursed his lips and attempted to turn off his phone.

A big hand suddenly extended from the side and took his phone away.

When he raised his head, he saw Duke who had appeared next to him out of nowhere. Duke tapped open the video. After he watched it, he scoffed. “Looks like it’s my fault for not investigating the culprit’s mother.” “Dad, you don’t have to look into it,” George said after he stood up and pursed his lips. Duke stared at him and slowly said, “Give me a reason.”

“When the culprit’s mother speaks, her gaze wanders, and her demeanor’s stiff. You can tell that she’s practiced her speech many times.” George looked down and said, “Besides, Mom coincidentally recorded this scene and sent it to me. It’s not hard to guess who directed it. Mom has always feared Adina, so she’s doing this to chase Adina out of Sea City. I understand her fearful mentality, so I hope you can give her another chance.” “So, you don’t believe that Adina has anything to do with Harold’s accident?” Duke asked indifferently.


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