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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 231

Chapter 231 The sky turned dark. Dew was lying on a hotel bed and feeling very conflicted. She never wanted this to happen today, but things just developed naturally. If Duke found out, how could she still be Mrs. Winters? A bare arm reached out to her from the side. “What are you thinking about?”

Dew pursed her lips. “You can‘t tell anyone what happened today. Only you and I should know.” There was a glint in Dylan‘s eyes. “Okay, I‘ll do whatever you say.”

Dew sighed in relief.

Luckily, this man was sensible, or else, she would have to persuade him.


Someone‘s phone vibrated. Dylan immediately picked up his phone. He peeked at the incoming call, and his expression changed. “I‘ll answer it.”

He rushed into the restroom, naked. He even locked the door.

Dew narrowed her eyes.


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