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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 238

Chapter 238 The warehouse door was locked, and there was a raging fire outside.

Yet, Adina still managed to escape under those circumstances.

It was due to the presence of these two children. Adina must have survived that desperate situation because she wanted to protect her children.

Why did Dew not wait for a little longer four years ago?

If she had gotten rid of all of them, she would not be facing such a difficult situation now. Dew felt extremely troubled.

She never expected there to be quadruplets. Buzz!

Right then, her phone vibrated violently.


She cast a glance at the incoming call. It was from Tyson.

She instantly calmed her complicated and messy emotions. She could still salvage the situation as long as there was Tyson.

“Mr. Osborne, you called me just in time. I just obtained some information about the kids.” Dew wore a cold smile and said, “They were born late in the summer four years ago. I calculated the time. I think you made Adina pregnant that night, and she gave birth to twins of different sexes.


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