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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 240

Chapter 240 Trent held his waist, and he was in so much pain that he kept gasping. He had expected this to happen, but he was still frightened when he was lifted and thrown to the ground.

He looked really pitiful.

“Are you okay, Mr. Sunderland?” Mr. Roberts immediately went over and helped him up.“ Your waist must be injured. There‘s an ointment in my office. I‘ll help you apply it.”

When Trent heard that his waist was injured, he became so furious that his expression darkened. “Your waist is injured! Your whole family has injured waists! How dare Adina do this to me?! I‘m not done with her!”

He uttered that last sentence just to gain some respect for himself.

He supported his waist as he stood up with difficulty and limped into the elevator.

“What the heck just happened?” Mr. Roberts said in confusion.

“Mr. Roberts, didn‘t you see? Ms. Daugherty threw Mr. Sunderland to the ground just now, and he‘s livid!” his secretary said with a stern expression. “Mr. Sunderland from Sunderland Corporation isn‘t just a playboy, but he‘s also a demon! Those who offend him won‘t receive anything good. Ms. Daugherty is doomed! I‘m sure that LaStar Technology Corporation will only survive until tomorrow.”


Mr. Roberts seemed doubtful.

Why did he feel that Mr. Sunderland appeared inferior to Ms. Daugherty?

Adina sat in her office chair, turned on her computer, and found the information about last night‘s cruise party. She discovered the list of guests who had attended the party, and she filtered each of them according to their pictures. Then, she finally found that man. Tyson Osborne!

She narrowed her eyes while she keyed in the man‘s name in her search engine.

There was a lot of information about Tyson on the Internet. He was the CEO of Osborne Corporation, and he was thirty–four years old. He was married, and he had a child. His son was already ten years old. Osborne Corporation was a company involved in electronic processing, and it was quite famous. It was established in Central City, so it was considered one of the powerhouses in Central City. Collaborating with foreign enterprises was advantageous. Tyson had traveled to Sea City this time because he wanted to attract some investors. Being in Central City‘s powerful circle was very useful, and many investors in Sea City were drawn to his corporation.

Adina pursed her lips.

Five years ago, Tyson was twenty–nine years old. At that time, he was also married, and his son was five years old. Yet, this man defiled an eighteen–year–old girl in Sea City and ruined her life.


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