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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 247

Chapter 247 She drove steadily, and they soon arrived home.

Adina pushed open the car door, got out, and went to the back to carry her children out.

“Aunt Adina, you‘re finally back.”

Adina heard a soft voice behind her.

When she turned around, she saw a cool kid in a denim outfit run toward her. He rushed into her arms like a meatball.

“Harold, why are you here?”

Harold placed his arms around Adina‘s neck and gloomily said, “I’m so hungry. I‘m starving. I want to eat the pasta that you cook.”

Adina was distraught. “You didn‘t sneak out behind your father again, did you?” “No, I didn‘t!” Harold kept shaking his head. “I told Dad. I only came over after he said ‘yes!!»

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He clearly remembered Aunt Adina telling him that if he dared to sneak out of his house again, she would stop seeing him.

Right then, a young bodyguard who seemed to be about twenty years old walked over. “Good evening, Ms. Daugherty. I‘m Young Master Harold‘s bodyguard. I‘m Lucas Foster. The master ordered me to send the young master here, and he requested that I bring the young master home an hour later.”

Adina finally felt at ease. “Okay, let‘s go inside then.”


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