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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 257

Chapter 257

“Hi. I‘m Brenden Watson, Mdm. Adina Daugherty‘s defense attorney. I‘ll take full charge of this case involving her children‘s custody. In the future, please contact me directly, Mr. Osborne and Mr. Jenkins.”

Brenden took out a black gilded business card from his pocket and passed it to them.

He spoke firmly, and his expression was stern as well as serious. He gradually emanated an imposing manner.

Tyson frowned.

He was not involved in the legal industry, so he had never heard of Brenden‘s reputation.

However, he knew Victor, whom he had hired with a large amount of money, was the most famous attorney in Sea City.

If Victor helped him, he would definitely win this case.

The only uncertainty now was whether Duke would get involved in this case.

If Duke got involved, it might become a little challenging.

“I heard that you want to visit the children, Mr. Osborne?” Brenden smiled faintly, pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, and slowly said, “The law states that parents have visitation rights, but only with their guardian‘s consent. If the child is taken without the guardian‘s knowledge, it‘s equivalent to trafficking. Mr. Osborne, if you would like to have a cup of tea in the police station, you may give it a try.”

When Tyson saw Brenden‘s sharp eyes, he felt frightened for some reason.

He looked away, scoffed, and said, “Mr. Jenkins says that I can visit, so I will. Do you think I‘m a three–year–old kid who can be scared away by your words?”

Victor coughed awkwardly. What he said earlier was completely fine to scare off people who had little legal knowledge.

If he played that trick in front of Brenden, he would humiliate himself like a clown.

He looked down and said, “Mr. Watson, I was too hasty indeed. I‘ll leave with Mr. Osborne.”

Tyson was completely taken aback.


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