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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 292

Chapter 292

All the reporters knew that whatever they asked, they would not get anything from Adina…

Moreover, she would only continue taking the opportunity to promote her product.

Meanwhile, at Winters Cooperation, Duke watched Adina smiling through the tablet in front of him.

‘I truly didn’t expect this woman to turn things around even when things were looking so hopeless on her end…

‘A press conference had been the best way to solve this matter. But it’s not without its risks, too.

‘If Tyson were to step up and deny the matter, this press conference would turn out as a joke.

‘I must think of something to help Adina.’ While he was lost in his thoughts, Jake came in. “Chairman Winters, all the comments against Ms. Daugherty have been removed from the Internet, just as you’ve requested.”


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