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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 335

Chapter 335

Duke stared at Adina’s exquisite face and could not help but gulp.

“Mr. Winters, please move your leg a little. My water bottle is under your leg.”

Adina bent down and patted his leg under the chair.

Duke suddenly tensed up.

This woman had just touched the hem of his pants, but he felt it in his heart for some reason.

He recalled her red face and curvy figure on the cruise that day... and the faint scent of her body.

He subconsciously leaned forward and breathed in when he faced the back of her neck.

It was the same scent that belonged to that woman from five years ago.

How was it possible that she was not the one who had slept with him that night?

“Mr. Winters, please move aside...” Adina reminded him.

Duke snapped out of his daze again and immediately realized what he had just done.

Was this not something that Trent loved to do? Was he possessed by Trent’s spirit?

He glanced at the children next to them. They were listening to the piano music intently, so they did not notice the movement on this side.

He took a deep breath and said in a low voice, “I’ll help you pick it up.”

He bent down and searched around his left side, but he touched a soft hand.

Before he realized it, the hand shrunk back like it had been electrocuted.

Adina immediately pulled her hand away.

She raised her head slightly and looked Duke in the eyes.

The two of them were bending over the back of their chairs while leaning down. In such a cramped space, it looked like something was going on between them from the way they gazed at each other.

Adina’s heart suddenly pounded so fast that it was out of control.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down, but she suddenly smelled a familiar scent.

It smelled like the man from that night five years ago!

It was that man! It was Duke!

Adina’s lashes suddenly trembled. The dim light brought her five years into the past.

The man had rushed toward her like a starving wolf and recklessly torn off her clothes.

In the end, she was thrown on the hotel bed like a broken toy.

“Your water bottle.”

Duke picked up the water bottle and handed it to Adina.

He stared at Adina’s trembling lashes and frowned slightly. “What’s wrong?”


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