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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 351

Chapter 351

Everyone in the banquet hall looked at Adina. “My sister is excellent at playing the piano.Dew smiled faintly and said, Addy, everyone wants to hear you play. Come on and play a song.Adina curled her lips into a sneer. I dont know how to play.”

Dew broke into a sinister smile.

Adina really could not play the piano anymore. It was reasonable, since five years ago, Adina had been locked away for eight months. After that, she brought the kids overseas. She had been busy taking care of the kids and earning money every day. How could she have the time to practice the piano?

Once you abandoned a skill for five years, you would be unfamiliar with it if you wanted to pick it up again.

Knowing how to play piano and playing it well were two different things.

She would definitely beat Adina this time!

Dew suppressed her pride before she added, Addy, don‘t be humble. We all know how well you played the piano when we took piano lessons together.I havent played it in many years, so I don’t know how to play anymore,Adina said indifferently. She did not have to please Mrs. Winters or anyone in this banquet hall, so there was no need to go on stage and play the piano.

However, the more she refused, the more Dew was sure that she could not play the piano.

But Addy, didnt you tell me last night that you prepared a performance as a birthday wish for Mrs. Winters?Dew blinked. This is a great opportunity. Just come and play a song for everyone. Its okay if you cant play it well. Your sincerity matters the most.

Many men had fallen for Adinas beauty, and they wanted to see how gorgeous this lady looked when she played the piano, so they also tried to convince Adina. Yes, Ms. Daugherty. Just play a song for our enjoyment. Its okay to not play well. Its just entertainment.Adina smiled and put her wine glass aside before she walked over in her high heels. Then, she smiled faintly. Since Dew keeps inviting me, Im just going to make a fool of


She walked onto the stage and casually tapped on the piano. It was just a general piano, and it had not been accurately tuned When she listened to Dews piano performance earlier, a few of the notes had sounded out of tune.

But nonprofessionals would not be able to hear the wrong tunes.

She sat down in front of the piano, and her fingers paused. Ill just play the piece that you played just now.


When Dew heard that, she was happy. The difference could be heard clearly if they played the same song

Once that happened, Adina should not blame her for being stepped on.

The hall fell into silence, and Duke stopped talking. He raised his head and looked at the woman who was seated in front of the piano,

She was dressed in a snowcolored gown, and her long hair fell naturally. Her fair skin glowed under the light of the chandelier.

When her long, fair fingers flew over the black and white keys, delightful piano music echoed in the banquet hall.

Everyone was familiar with the piece. When Dew played it earlier, they thought she played it very well. It was like a sample song on a CD.


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