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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 363

Chapter 363 in Winters Corporation.

Chairman Winters, he is here in Sea City.

Jake placed a stack of photos on the desk.

Duke ran his fingers over the photos. A dark look gradually emerged on his face.

He asked coldly, Where else did he go besides LaStar Technology Corporation?”

Jake shook his head. Hes been in the bar all afternoon, and hes not out yet.” Duke picked up the lighter and started burning through the stack of photos on his desk. The silver mask on it was gradually engulfed by eerie blue flames.

After the photos were gone, he raised his wrist and glanced at his watch. The time was 5 p.m.

Postpone the evening meeting.

He grabbed his suit and headed out.

Chairman Winters, the meeting this evening is a briefing on last quarters performance. Its an important meeting.When Jake went after him, Duke was already in the elevator.

He walked to the parking lot. He opened the car door and sat inside. Then, he sent a message to Adina. I will reach your office in 20 minutes.

Adina was in a meeting. She was a little surprised when she saw the message.

Why would this man want to come to her office?

She sent a question mark over.

I promised Mel that I would pick her up from school today. Im going to the preschool with


When Adina saw Dukes message, she replied, Okay.She put down her phone. After she summarized the meeting, she went back to her office. She wrapped up her work for the day and tidied her desk. She was just waiting for Duke to come, so she could get off work.

Her phone suddenly vibrated, and it was Ethan who was calling.

Addy, such a big incident happened last night. Why didn‘t you tell me about it?

Adina paused for a moment. How did you find out?

The security office called me and told me about what happened last night, otherwise, Id still be in the dark,Ethan sighed and said. Youre a single mother with two kids living there alone. Im really worried about you. How about this? Why dont you move to our house with me and Grandma around, no one would dare to tell you what to do.

That villa belonged to the Xavier family. The security office probably gave Ethan a call after they investigated the attack last night.

Adina really did not expect that the matter would become known to her cousin.

She said in a resigned manner, Grandma still hasnt heard about this, right?

I wouldnt dare to tell Grandma.Ethan paused and said, The guard at the security office told me that those two men in black shirts were sent by the Osbome family. I thought your children had nothing to do with Tyson? Why did they still send men over to mess with you?


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