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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 374

Chapter 374

The call had just ended before Adina called. Her name flashed continuously on the phone screen.

Dew’s head buzzed.

Was Adina calling because she wanted to tell George the truth?

If George learned everything that happened back then, her fate would be sealed

“I’ll say this again-give me the phone!”

George’s tone became icy cold.

Dew hung up the call and then turned the phone off.

She raised her head, and her eyes shone with a desperate and shrewd light

In the Winters family mansion, Adina called a person twice. Suddenly, a mechanically cold female voice was heard from the phone, indicating that the other party’s phone had been turned off.

“Is George still not answering the phone?” Harold tilted his head and asked with slight concern.

“Theoretically. Young Master George wouldn’t reject any calls.” Mr. Brown scratched his chin and said, “Young Master George’s cell phone is always on. How could it die now? Regardless, he should be back soon. Just wait for a little while more.”

Adina felt uneasy, but she could not put her finger on the reason.

This uneasy feeling made her lose her mood to cook dinner.

She pursed her lips and said, “Mr. Brown, do you have Georgie’s assistant or secretary’s phone number? Call them and ask about George.”

Mr. Brown nodded and immediately dialed Liam’s phone number.

“Ms. Daugherty personally picked Young Master George up and left the company, but I have no idea where exactly they went.”

“Which Ms. Daugherty?”

“Ms. Dew Daugherty. She seemed a bit strange today. She was really bossy. Something appears to have happened…”

Adina’s brows furrowed as she listened to the voice on the other side of the phone.

Did George get taken away by Dew?

Where was he taken? For what purpose was he taken away?

Why did she feel her heart becoming increasingly uneasy?

Adina walked around the living room and finally could not help but dial Duke’s number.

The phone rang several times before being answered, and the man’s cold and low voice came from the other end. “Give me another ten minutes, and I’ll be back.”

Adina clenched her fists and said, “Did you contact George?”

As soon as she finished saying that, she heard the voice of another man on the other end of the phone that was not Duke’s.


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