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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 378

Chapter 378

“Duke, I know it’s you!” Dew stood inside and talked to herself. “I was wrong four years ago. I made a serious mistake. I should not have pretended to be the children’s mother! Even though I lied to you, I gave the two children my heart and soul over these four years, and I never did anything to harm George and Harold. Why do you have to do this to me? Why are you doing this to Daugherty Corporation?”

Adina, who was standing outside, instantly froze when she heard it.

So Duke was aware of the issue with the children?

When did he know about it?

Before she could think about it, she heard Dew’s voice growing more agitated.

“I’ve been waiting for you for the past four years, giving the Winters family four years of my youth, and this is how you treat me? You never put me in your eyes! You never wanted to marry me! The Daugherty family has never benefited from the Winters family either, so why are you treating me like this?” Dew roared,” I guess you just want to kill me, huh? If you want to me die, George and I shall die together! My path to death won’t be too lonely with the Winters family prince by my side!”

She fiercely yanked the unconscious George in her hand.

Her force was so strong that it immediately roused George and caused him to let out a muffled grunt in pain.

Adina, who was standing outside, could no longer remain calm, and she rushed in right away.

When her eyes acclimated to the darkness, she quickly gained

clarity of the surroundings.

She saw Dew holding George’s arm. Her elbow was locked around his neck. Blood had congealed on the back of the child’s skull in both black and crimson colors.

Adina’s heart was clenching up. “What did you do to George?”

“It’s you!” Dew loosened up, and she suddenly sneered, “How did you get here? What brought you here? Because of the mother son connection?”

George was being held by the neck and in a stage of being half dazed and half awake. When he heard what Dew said, he opened his eyes wide.

He looked towards Adina who suddenly appeared in front of him. His gaze became very complicated at that instant.

Adina let out a sigh of relief as she saw George open his eyes.


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