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My Most Precious Human novel Chapter 59

Sariel pulled me out of the trunk. I couldn't stand on my two feet. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I fell straight into his arms.

"Be careful." He chuckled, helping me lean against the car he pulled me out of.

"H-how?" I mumbled while shivering from the cold.

He looked me up and down, then took off his coat and covered me with it.

"We have to go now. We're in the pack's territory, and more wolves will be coming here in no time," he stated, grabbing my hand and leading me somewhere.

I looked at the coat he gave me; there were stains of blood on it, but Sariel wasn't the one injured. He looked as perfect as ever, wearing his black suit and dark grey shirt. I cautiously looked around. Only then did I see we were on the road in the middle of the forest. The path that we were walking down was painted in blood, wolf blood. There were four cars that were crushed into each other, and there were dead bodies all around them. It looked like slaughter. The view was horrifying, and I knew it was all Sariel's cruel doing. It reminded me of the time Declan and his team came to the castle, and how their audience ended. The only difference was that at that moment, we were in the wolves' territory, and as long as we were going to stay there, we could face the anger of the entire pack.

I didn't ask Sariel where we were going. As long as I could hold his hand, it didn't matter. I was only trying not to stumble on the ripped-off body parts with my bare feet, which were already soaked in mud mixed with wolf blood. I noticed Sariel's black Bentley parked across the road, right in front of the column of crushed cars. He deliberately blocked the whole road, but his car wasn't even scratched. Then I looked at the hood of the first crushed car. There were two clear, imprinted marks at the front; they looked like hands. I gulped.

"Those cars…" I mumbled, "Did you use your hands to stop them?"

In response, a sly smirk appeared on Sariel's face as he locked his eyes on me.

"Get into the car." His commanding voice sent a strange shiver of excitement throughout my body.

He opened the door for me. I smiled nervously and was about to get in. Suddenly, we both heard a faint sound coming from among the trees. I flinched. Sariel's senses were much sharper than mine. While I wondered where the sound came from, he pushed me into the car and stormed towards the woods. The wolves were already here. As Sariel disappeared between the trees, something flashed, and a shooting sound came along with it.

"No…" I mumbled and froze in fear.

I heard a few more shots that mixed with the sounds of fighting. I hated the role of damsel in distress, and before I realized it, I was already out of the car, standing with my guard up. I inhaled while looking around. The smell of wolves filled the air, more than clearly stating that this was the pack's territory. I exhaled, preparing for their attack.

I couldn't see or hear Sariel. I only knew he was there, somewhere in the woods, where the fighting sounds were coming from. My heart was pounding loudly. I feared for his life more than I feared for my own. I knew that the wolves were using silver bullets and that he could die if he got shot.

Suddenly, someone walked out of the forest. It was a powerfully built, brown-skinned man with curly black hair. He was over six feet tall. An angry, reddish glow coming from his eyes made me step back.

"Hello there, slave." He chuckled, slowly walking my way.

At first, I wanted to call out to Sariel, but I didn't want to alarm every wolf around to come where I was. I looked the jacked guy up and down. He was massive, definitely strong, but not necessarily fast. Additionally, I bet he thought I was weak. I dropped Sariel's coat off of my shoulders and stood in front of the shifter in a fighting stance. He snorted, seeing me barefoot, wearing nothing but a light-pink silk cotton dress and trembling with cold.

"Are you going to fight me, slave?" He examined my body while licking his lip.

"I'm not a slave," I grunted, clenching my teeth.

He chuckled, taking another step towards me. He was so amused by my looks that he put his guard down...

"Now," I thought, throwing a punch at his guts.

He bent down and inhaled with a loud growl. I couldn't afford to stop. This time I aimed at his chin. He fell to the ground. An enraged roar left his throat. I knew I had to finish this quickly before I pissed him enough for him to shift. The second he got up, my roundhouse kick made him lose his balance again. I let all my anger out on him, bringing him down to the ground again and again until I finally knocked him off. I panted heavily. I took away more of my strength than I thought. Just when I thought I was safe, I heard someone clapping their hands.

"Bravo!" A brown-haired guy chuckled, "That's quite impressive, little one."

I gulped, looking at four strong-built shifters coming towards me. They laughed, knowing that no matter how strong I was, I stood no chance against four warriors. My heart pounded louder with each step they took. I was more than aware that I couldn't win this fight, but I raised my guard anyway. Suddenly, something changed, something that the arrogant wolves approaching me didn't realize. The forest that turned into a battlefield, filled with snarls and growls, was now… silent. A wicked smirk painted on my face.

"Something funny, human?!" One of the shifters roared.


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