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My One In A Million Wife (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 22

My one in a million wife [Ashlyn and Lucas] chapter 22

The atmosphere in the office was too heavy, so the secretary did not dare to stay a moment longer and left.

Oh my gosh! The big boss has arrived! Scary!

“Mr. Nolan, this is the data you requested about the top scorer of the national exams,” The CEO reported and passed the report to Lucas.

The man started flipping through the document with his long and defined fingers.

It had ten pages filled with every top scorer in the last ten years. Nolan Entertainment was especially efficient.

The company would not settle for anything less.

“Where’s the top scorer for the sciences in 2013? There’s only the top scorer for the arts here,” Lucas demanded as he tapped the table with his finger.

“I’m not sure. There isn’t a word about the top scorer for that year all over the internet. Our men can’t find it either. It seems that someone has erased the data to keep him or her anonymous,” The CEO answered in a tiny voice.

In 2013, Ashlyn was fifteen. Now that it was 2020, she was but twenty-two years old.

She had married Lucas when she was eighteen.

Four years had passed in the blink of an eye.

In H Nation, as long as you were a legal adult, you could get married. Hence, it was not uncommon to see people starting families at a young age.

However, Lucas had no interest in marriage or dating.

Don’t tell me the missing data is Ashlyn’s? What methods did she use to keep her information confidential? If it was confidential, then how did the nurse know?

The more Lucas thought of it, the more he was confused. He felt frustrated.

“Mr. Lowe, I have no choice! My idol has been busy with divorce and won’t write me any songs!” A crisp and melodic voice interrupted the heavy mood in the room.

He could be heard even before he arrived.

A handsome young man opened the door and charged in.

Jonathan was stunned when he opened the door.

He often frequented the CEO’s office, but he had never seen such a crowd before.


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