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My Paranoid Lover (Lance Mason) novel Chapter 117

Chapter 117 Where Are We Going

“Your mom died of liver cancer, although I really hated her, but when she was diagnosed, I hired the best doctor to treat her. If I want her dead, I wouldn’t have waited so long. Jennie Gomez, I’m not so evil as you think……”

“Not so evil? Haha……you and your brother are really good actors.”

I pushed him away and walked out of the mansion. Lance came to stop me again. “There’s no cab here, I’ll drive.”

I walked pass him but he still came to stop me.

“What the hell do you want?” I said, annoyed.

“Jennie, don’t make a scene. I’ll fetch you, I’ll tell you whatever you want

to know. I won’t lie to you.” Lance said. He forced me into his car and suddenly called the driver here. Then he came to sit beside me at the back seat.

I turned away from him, not even willing to look at him.

It was a long way from here to the hospital, Lance kept trying to talk to me.

“How’s your studies in Germany?” I didn’t answer him.

He asked again. “Dating a new boyfriend?”

I recalled the times when I was still his mistress, it was always me who tired to initiate a conversation.

I ignored him the whole way there, and he stopped trying in the end. When we reached the hospital, the doctor

showed me my mother’s medical report. She was already at her last stage of cancer when she was diagnosed, so  there was nothing much the hospital could do. He even showed me her private medical report.

I just wanted to quickly bury her and get on with it.

Leaving the hospital, I needed to arrange a cremation for mom and bring her ashes back to my hometown.

Lance wanted me to get in the car, but I refused. “Jennie, what are you doing now? Follow me home first, we need to talk.”

I put my hands in my pocket due to the chilly weather and stared at Lance, “Leo told me to not make a scene, sol will not make a scene. I don’t want to know anymore how my mom really died. You know why, you know it. And I have already bought a ticket back to Germany two days later. I don’t want to stay here any longer. Lance, be kinder,


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