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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 83


Lying on the floor bed of the forest as blood oozed out of me, I wondered if this was how I was going to die. 

If this was my twisted fate.

All my life I yearned for the love and care of everyone and in the end, I was tricked again. I was tricked out of it again.

Looking at the end of the cliff that was still around a kilometer away from me, I gasped to contain the pain before crawling with my body that had started to shut down.

'Victoria stop! Let us help you! We can still go through this togetherness!' Carla screamed, however, I was too hurt by what she did to care about anything anymore.

______15 minutes ago______

'Now coming to the sacrifice part. I am still not sure what I want to sacrifice.' I said in my mind, knowing that they were hearing me pretty well.

'Victoria-' Joy started, but I stopped her mid-sentence, shaking my head because I didn't even want to face her after what Carla conspired against her.

'You might think that I was selfish to do so, but what all I did was for your benefits only, Victoria. The witch powers that you call Joy are just some powers that won't be lost even if you sacrifice them. You were a born witch, you'll remain as a witch. However, when it comes to me, if you decide to sacrifice me, then I being a werewolf will have to wait for another life. Another life of yours before I can come back again.' Carla explained.

And I understood where she was coming from.

'Both you and Joy moved me as you wanted, treated me as you wanted, and I let you treat me. You are a legendary wolf, and she is the powers of the direct descendant of the king. You both are powerful, there is no doubt in that. However, do you know who's most powerful here?' I asked, playing with the dagger as the sense of betrayal started to get to my head.

It was a feeling that I hated the most in the world.

'We know Victoria. It's you. You are the most powerful person among us because you are handling the two most powerful supernatural in your body.' Joy said with a smile on her face.

'Then the decision of who I need to sacrifice should remain in my hand, no?' 

'I can't sacrifice, Carla, because she has taken birth after 500 years. I can't sacrifice joy, because it will not only be her sacrifice but also the sacrifice of my parents' strong dedication to protecting me and my yearning for them. However, there is something or should I say someone I can sacrifice easily. You do realize that you are two supernatural residing in my body, right? 

If I sacrifice myself, then you are free to go and reside in anyone's body. Or maybe come back to me as soon as I take a second birth after dying today.' I said, smiling sadly.

If I want to protect them both, then it was the only way I could do it.

'You can't do this, Victoria, I won't let you!' Joy exclaimed, immediately trying to take over me.

However, my dedication was too strong this time. I didn't allow her to take over me. Gazing at Carla, I looked at her teary eyes and could not help but smile at her reassuringly.

'Once I perform the sacrifice, you need to go out of my body before I die, okay?' I said.

'No! We are not going anywhere!' Carla shouted with her eyes closed.

'Can you be decent with the person who is about to die? You will tear my head open before I die because of this sacrifice.' I laughed sadly. 

Chapter-83 Goodbye my loved ones! 1


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