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My Quick-witted Baby (Arabella and Kenneth) novel Chapter 164

Chapter 164

The pharmacy was empty at around 5 a.m. Arabella only turned on a wall lamp in the lounge and then took off her clothes.

Her fair, delicate skin was black and blue, and the bite was still stained with blood. Arabella pulled out a bottle of disinfectant and then began treating her wounds with a cotton swab.

The next moment, she felt a sharp pain, and her bright eyes reddened instantly.

At that moment, the door of the lounge was suddenly pushed open, and a handsome and indifferent figure appeared at the door.

Arabella had not expected anyone to come in at that point in the morning. Her pupils contracted, and she almost instantly pulled her clothes over to cover herself.

"Who's there?"

Arabella turned her head and saw the man who liked to sleep in the pharmacy at the door.

She finally realized that she had forgotten about this mysterious person.

The man at the door didn't seem to think it would be her either. Wearing a veil, Arabella was now looking at him with her dark and bright eyes, full of vigilance. Her eyes were even watery because of the pain just now, and her eyelashes were still trembling. Her exquisite beauty almost made him unable to move his eyes.

After a glance at her, the man closed the door and withdrew consciously.

Arabella breathed a sigh of relief. According to her observation, this man who liked sleeping had a good virtue and should not peep at her. However, she was still worried and quickly handled the wounds on her body.

She had no medicine in her hand, and these wounds still required the application of some ointment. Arabella planned to buy a good ointment to treat them with when the Confidential Medical Institute was open later, so that the wounds on her body would heal quickly.


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