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My Quick-witted Baby (Arabella and Kenneth) novel Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Aurora raised up her head, only to see the handsome face of Jared, who had come without her awareness, and now was looking down at her with one hand in the pocket.

The two managers greeted him with a smile.

-Hello, Mr. Gallagher.

-It's sure enough that Mr. Gallagher will definitely be around Aurora.

-Mr. Gallagher, we were just saying that if Aurora loses in playing cards, you would pay for her.

Taking out his hand from the pocket, Jared supported it on the chair handle behind Aurora and said while looking at her gently, "Just enjoy yourselves in playing cards, and I will pay for her."

Fluttering her thick eyelashes, Aurora said, "Brother, I have already made money and manage to pay for myself. You just need to pay bills for sister-in-law from now on. After all, I don't belong to the family and I will find the one to do that for me."

Hearing that, Jared's cold and black eyes quickly became sullen.

-Haha, Mr. Gallagher, Aurora starts to keep aloof from you.

-Aurora has already grown up and looks forward to starting a romantic relationship.

-Well, Mr. Gallagher, your sister is doomed to leave with someone else.

Aurora took her look off the man beside her, and focused her attention on the cards in the hand.

At the moment, Randall came over, "Jared, we will have a good time for your birthday. The Catgirls I invited have spent a lot of time rehearsing a dance for you, and now it's their show time."

Jared looked away from Aurora, and turned to sit on the sofa. He just stayed calm and poker-faced, which, however, gave people a sense of indifference, as if he was covered with a layer of cold frost.

At this time, everyone cheered loudly, "Mr. Hudson, it's time to call them out to dance!"


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