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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 19

The mood around me dropped palpably. I could actually feel the tension in the air, it was not pleasant. Each of the guys took a breath and blew it out, like they were preparing for battle as the trio walked over smiling like royalty. They each had on mini skirts that barely covered anything and cropped long sleeved shirts that looked to be a few sizes too small. Jeanie’s boobs looked like they might fall out of the bottom and the top at the same time. To top it all off they all had on tall black heels. It’s cold and we were in the woods, these were not the outfits for the woods. They probably got here the same time we did and it just took several hours to navigate the soft forest floor. I had to try and fight my smile at the thought. I did not succeed. I let out an involuntary giggle, which earned a death glare from Kaley, then she turned back to the guys.

“I brought your favorite tequila, I thought we could do some shots to celebrate the new school year and another year closer to you both being Alphas!” She squeals again, trotting, is that a thing girls do, over to Cameron and Dakota. “But I forgot shot glasses.” She pouts and it is nothing like the endearing pout Sam used on us. It kind of made her look constipated.

“Just drink straight from the bottle, the alcohol actually makes it pretty hygienic.” Sierra supplies dryly.

Kaley’s lip curls as she slowly looks over at Sierra. I’m sure noting how Sam has her wrapped up in his lap. “Um, thanks new girl, but I figured my men could just take shots off of me. That would be more fun anyway, right? A little warm-up for later.” She flips her hair looking at Cameron and Dakota. Why does she keep calling them her men? And second thought, why do I care?

“I’ll do one off Sierra. Sam volunteers.” Wiggling his eyebrows at her. She just rolls her eyes. I am clearly the only person who has no idea what is going on right now. I hope my face is as neutral as I am trying to keep it.

“You can take one off me Matty.” Jeanie looks at my brother. Matty? Since when was that a nickname? He hesitates, but doesn’t outwardly disagree as she walks over and wraps both arms around his waist from behind, in what I’m sure was supposed to be a loving gesture, but just looked uncomfortable.

“That leaves you and me Oliver.” Marnie strides over and sits on the ground between his legs, right before he stands up and she tips back awkwardly against the log I’m sure flashing someone with the right angle.

“What about Shorty? We can’t leave one out.” Oliver exclaims looking at me.

“Who?” Kaley pretends not to notice the odd number since she seems to have claimed both the twins.


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