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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 24

“Come on, you are not walking either.” he wraps me in that headlock hug and starts to drag me towards the massive truck in the packhouse driveway.

“It’s about time, I was worried you were making up all that extra training crap last night.” Sam laughs before removing his arm from around Sierra's shoulder and jumping in the truck’s backseat. My brother climbs in and slides to the middle of the back and Oliver sits on his other side. I move to stand beside Sierra, the twins are in the front looking over at us.

“She’s already been on a run and made breakfast.” Mateo laughs out to the group, elbowing Oliver. Oliver groans and rolls his eyes.

Sierra and I just look at each other. “Do you expect us to sit in the truck bed?” She laughs at them as they look around and realize we are not a normal part of their entourage. They really don’t spend much time outside their bro bubble.

“We can just do laps, it’s not that far. Sierra, you can join me.” Sam pats his thigh and wiggles his eyebrows at her. “Little bit you can ride on Oliver.” I did not miss the s*xual innuendo that time and my cheeks flamed.

“Tiny can ride up here in the front, she’ll fit in between us.” Cameron says a little clipped from the driver's seat.

Dakota nods, but instead of getting out like I thought he would, he just says, “Climb on up.” With an evil smirk on his face. He must know how weird this is for me, and I’m sure my face is going an even brighter shade of red.

I take a deep breath and slowly climb up the truck sideboard, but I must be going too slow for Dakota, because he grabs my waist and plants me on his lap before closing the door. I started to slide off his lap and In between the twins as Cameron pulled out of the driveway. Dakota’s arm stays behind my back as I move and slowly drags his fingers across the back of my t-shirt. I gasp a bit as he nudges on of the fresh wounds from Kaley’s latest punishment, and I also realize my shirt is still a bit damp from my early morning run.


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