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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 9

Sam's POV

“Come here you f*cker!” Mateo gets me in a head lock for a second before I wiggle free and take off running toward the truck. We all just ride together and get ready at the packhouse before school. Even though we are all neighbors, we’ve been doing it so long now that it’s just a habit. We all joke with Luna Ava about building an extension onto the twins' floor and just letting us all move in since we spend so much time there anyway.

I noticed that Sierra stuck to Skylar like glue all day today, even when they didn’t have classes together. I also realized that Skylar took a bunch of classes with us even though she is a year younger than we are in school. How I did not notice she was there before baffles me.

“How long has Sky been taking advanced classes?” I asked Mateo as we walked into the lunchroom. It was really hard to just walk across the room without being flagged down or stopped by people. Most of these kids just wanted something from us. It’s kind of annoying to have people follow you everywhere just because of the family and rank you were born into. A lot of kids think that if they hang out with us that makes them better than others, so the five of us pretty much keep to ourselves here at school, it seems to be the only safe option. As we got older we noticed that people would eavesdrop on conversations and then start rumors. Girls would lie about being with us. It was kind of scary really. So we can’t really be ourselves here.

“Umm, not sure, why?”

“She’s in like half our classes and I didn’t even notice until today. We’ve been in school for a week, how did I miss that?”

“Seriously? I didn't know she was in classes with us. Which ones?”

“Umm, all the standards I think. She’s not in Leadership or Battle Strategies, but once I noticed her in English and Math with Sierra, I kinda noticed her everywhere. It was a little scary.”


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