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My Sexy Wife novel Chapter 16

After work, Johnny went back to his small place. He looked around and was too lazy to cook, so he took a pack of instant noodles and boiled some water. He would make do with that.

After the noodles were ready, he turned the computer on, and started searching for traces of Queenie as usual. He opened Facebook and checked Queenie's Timeline, then went to her Twitter and other social media, but he found nothing.

When Johnny almost finished his instant noodles, his phone rang. He saw the name “Tigress” on the screen, which was the nickname Johnny gave Jasmine for the obvious resemblance he found between the two.

“Hello!” Johnny felt that it was very strange for Jasmine to call him at such time. What for?

“Where are you? Come to my house now.” Jasmine still spoke coldly as usual in a bossy tone.

“Are you crazy? It's already 8 o'clock now. Also, didn't you say that I only work on Wednesday? It's Friday today.” Johnny retorted.

“Go through the contract and see what's written there. 'Be available at any time', remember? I don't care what you are doing now. Get changed and come here within 10 minutes.” Jasmine said flatly.

“I can't arrive within 10 minutes even if you threaten me with a knife. I haven't even eaten my dinner.” Johnny was also angry at heart.

“Tell me where you are right now. I'll go and pick you up.”

“Huh? You're being serious? What does she need me for at this hour?” Johnny was speechless.

“We'll talk about it in the car. Tell me your address. Go get dressed now.”

Johnny had no choice but to tell Jasmine his address. He had to earn money from her after all. Johnny was so exhausted that he just wanted to lie on the bed and have a good sleep, but thinking of his monthly salary of fifteen thousand, he quickly finished the instant noodles, washed his face, and changed his clothes.

Not long after, Johnny heard someone knocking at the door. He went to open it while fixing his necktie.

Jasmine stood by the door and the first thing she said to Johnny was, “You don't need to wear necktie at night.”

Then, she looked at Johnny's room and frowned, “Why do you live in such place? You only eat instant noodles for dinner?”

“What's wrong with it? Do you know what we're called? We are called the 'cave dwellers" because we live underground. That’s badass, isn't it? Do you want to sit for a moment? There's no tea but I can buy you a bottle of mineral water!” Johnny was being quite polite.

“No need. Are you ready? Come with me if you are.”

“What's the matter? Why are you in a rush?” Johnny followed Jasmine out while asking that.

“I'll tell you in the car.” Jasmine walked very quickly. One could see that she was in a rush. “This afternoon I picked Sam up, but he kept looking for you once we got home. He kept asking me why you weren't at home. I had to lie to him that you were working at another city. After that, he started crying and saying that he wanted you. He wouldn't listen to anything we told him. Until now, Hannah and I had no choice but to call you. I told him that I'm picking you up at the airport and you came back specially to see him. That's it. Otherwise I wouldn't call you so late at night. Go and comfort him. After he fell asleep, you can go back home,” Jasmine said.

Johnny didn't say anything. After a while, he just sighed, “From this, we can see how much he longs for a dad in his heart.”

Jasmine didn't say anything, she silently agreed to Johnny's words.

“But isn't it also a problem if you keep deceiving him like this? You can deceive him once or twice but you'll never be able to deceive him all his life, right?” Johnny said that.

“You don't need to worry about this problem. You just need to do what you should do.” Jasmine replied evenly.

“Fine, it's not my place to ask!” Johnny snapped in a bad mood and didn't say anything else afterwards.

Chapter 16 Bedroom (1) 1

Chapter 16 Bedroom (1) 2


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