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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 123

Chapter 123 

Nash had seen Lori once when he was registering his personal information in the HR department. 

“I didn’t expect you to personally come here for such a trivial matter, Ms. Lynch…” Nash smiled and stood up to greet her. 

After all, he could not just sit back when a department manager was personally delivering his work ID, right? 


As Lori approached Nash, her high heels wavered and she stumbled toward Nash with a surprised cry. 

He quickly grabbed her arm with his strong hand and asked in a deep voice, “Are you okay?” 

Lori was a head shorter than him, and her blouse was about to pop open… 

No… it had already burst open. 

A button on her white shirt had popped out. 

Her milky, tender skin quivered slightly. 

Lori furrowed her brows, giving Nash a pitiful look as she bit her red lip and said, “Mr. Calcraft… I… seem to have twisted my ankle…” 

Nash let go of her arm and pointed to the first aid kit hanging on the wall. “There’s some medicine for that in the first aid kit… Put some on and massage it. You’ll be fine!” 

When Lori had fallen toward him, the muscles in one of her legs were noticeably tense. 

Even if he had not caught her, she could have steadied herself. 

It was clear that she had intentionally fallen toward him. 

Either she was sent by Hera to test him, or she had an interest in him. 

After all, there were not many young and handsome men in the Baroque branch office. 

With watery eyes, Lori looked at the man resentfully and said, “Mr. Calcraft… can you help me get there?” 

Nash took the work ID from Lori’s hand and then turned to walk toward his office chair. 

Lori was left standing there, dumbfounded. 

She had always been confident about her appearance. 

She thought she could get her hands on this new guy. 

However, this guy was as clueless as a fool. 

Just then, Hera walked into the office. “Nash…” 

Seeing Lori in Nash’s office, Hera was surprised, “Ms. Lynch… what are you doing here?” 

Seeing Hera, Lori quickly said, “I came to deliver Mr. Calcraft’s work ID!” 

Hera nodded, then walked up to Nash with a smile. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” 

“You were in a meeting. I didn’t want to disturb you.” 

“You were supposed to rest at home today. Why did you come to work?” Hera was a little upset. 

“I had nothing to do, so I thought I’d help you out,” Nash said with a light smile. 

Meanwhile, Lori looked at them in surprise. 

Her toes in her high heels were awkwardly curled. 


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