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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 134

Chapter 134 

The host’s voice broke from shouting. 

The applause at the scene reached an unprecedented level of enthusiasm. 

A curly-haired woman with dark skin who wore a black windbreaker stepped onto the ring. 

She stood at 1.9 meters tall, her glistening dark thighs full of muscles. 

Her exposed belly button and her six-pack abs were extremely prominent. 

Compared to Bianca, Black Widow had more fans, and their cheers and applause filled the entire arena. 

Then came the referee and the ten judges. 

The Watsons had spent a fortune to invite these renowned individuals from various countries. 

Normally, they could only be seen at the World Boxing Championship. 

This was to ensure the fairness and impartiality of the match. 

It was because of their presence that the Watsons’ and the Duersons’ poker companies had attracted a large number of bettors. 

The host finished his lines, and together with the blonde woman holding the tray, he descended from the ring. 

Bianca and Black Widow bumped fists to show respect. 

Black Widow was much more robust than Bianca. Her face was expressionless, and her dark eyes were filled with disdain. 

The referee blew the whistle before crossing his arms to the sides. 

The two fighters returned to the ropes of the ring, and their coaches put mouthguards into their mouths. 

“Bianca, Black Widow’s heavy punches are very terrifying. You must be careful!” 

The coach warned seriously. 

Bianca nodded, then walked straight to the center of the ring. 

Black Widow’s coach did not say anything. 

His eyes lacked the sparkle usually present during Black Widow’s matches. 

Both fighters got to the middle of the ring and started to warm up on the spot. 

The referee checked the time. 

Within the scheduled time, he counted down with his fingers and blew the whistle after three counts. The two boxers immediately began their fight. 

Bianca took the initiative and launched a series of punches at Black Widow’s face. 

Black Widow guarded her head with her fists and easily blocked Bianca’s attack. 

Bianca threw left uppercuts one after another, generating wind with each punch, while Black Widow was dodging and defending. 

After some fighting, Bianca had not landed a single effective hit. 

A mocking smile curved up at the corner of Black Widow’s mouth, and she beckoned to Bianca. 

Bianca bit her mouthguard hard and suddenly threw a straight punch at Black Widow’s chest. 

Black Widow crossed her arms over her chest, and with a tilt of her head, she blocked Bianca’s straight punch while avoiding the incoming left hook. 

Almost instantly, Black Widow landed a quick and fierce jab on Bianca’s face. 

The punch was so fast that it could only be seen clearly in slow-motion playback. 

Even though they were wearing gloves, the massive force had Bianca’s nose burning and her head spinning. Black Widow seized the opportunity to launch a violent attack. 

Left hook, right hook, straight punch, jab. 

Her attacks rained down on Bianca’s head. 


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