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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 185

Chapter 185 

Jupiter complained, “This district is huge. We’ve been looking for your villa for half an hour. If I hadn’t shown your ID at the sales office and inquired about your residence, we might have ended up looking for even longer.” 

Hera immediately asked, “Captain Holt, have you found the perpetrator?” 

The Inspection Department had set up a special operations brigade for the Lewis family’s estate case. Jupiter was the captain while Angelica was the vice-captain. 

Three days had passed, so they must have made progress in the case. 

Jupiter shook his head and said, “We haven’t found any clues yet, but the Sky Blade Group dispatched a dozen of their staff of Somerese descent to Jonford!” His expression was serious when he said that. Then, he continued, “We’re still unsure of their reason for leaving Jonford, so we plan to deploy some police forces to Harrison’s and Hubert’s homes!” 

Hera turned pale when she heard that. “A-Are they going to continue to attack us? Just what did we do to offend them?” 

Angelica calmly replied, “Miss Lewis, don’t worry too much. We’re just being thorough. The Sky Blade Group probably came to Jonford for two reasons. Firstly, perhaps it’s to continue targeting your family. Secondly, it’s possible they wish to locate the traitor among them.” 

These were two very high possibilities. Since they still did not have any definite evidence, they could only come up with a thorough plan to protect the Lewis family by considering the first possibility. 

With the inspectors protecting the Lewis family, no international mercenary organization would dare to act rashly unless they wanted to start a war with the military. No matter how powerful the mercenary organization was, it did not have the guts to challenge the authority of a country’s military. 

The cell phone in Hera’s bag rang. While fishing it out, she said to Jupiter and Angelica, “I’m sorry I’m still causing you trouble.” 

“It’s our duty to protect the people!” Jupiter said with a smile. 

After Hera answered the call, she said, “I have to go to the company as soon as possible. Nash, please entertain Captain Holt and Miss Angelica.” 

Jupiter turned his head to Angelica and said, “Use our car to take Miss Lewis to the company. Those who are planning to do something will think twice when they see our car.’ 

Angelica nodded. “I’ll have Tommy send her.” She then turned to Hera and said, “There’s a car outside with a license plate ending in 667. I’ll get a colleague to pick you up and drop you off for work for the next two days.” 

“That’s quite an imposition,” Hera replied somewhat awkwardly. 

She was worried that she would be hindering them from their work if they were to chauffeur her to and from work. 

Besides, Nash was a Golden Amulet Master. She was not afraid of the bad guys since Nash was protecting her. 

Seeing that Jupiter and Angelica had no intention of leaving, Nash guessed that they might be looking for him for something. Since he would not be able to send Hera to work himself, he said, “Go with Captain Holt’s arrangement. They’re trying to protect the Lewis family, so let’s not disrupt their plans.” 

It was then that Skadi added, “He’s right, Hera. Bianca and I are with you. You can rest assured since we’re here.” 

Seeing that Nash did not have the time to send her to work, she nodded to show her agreement. 


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