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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45 

Being praised by Ms. Olivia herself indicated that Kai’s identity was more than just that! 

Herman raised his teacup and glanced at Kai from the corner of his eye. 

When he noticed that Helena was still in a daze, he could not help but smile and say, “Helena, hurry up and sign your name!” The 300 million dollar contract would only be officially confirmed once both parties signed the papers. 

Therefore, it was common for the parties involved to be eager. 

Helena was still too young, and she seemed terrified by this huge contract. 

“What are you waiting for, Helena?” 

Hubert also reminded her in a low voice. 

Seeing this, Kai picked up the contract to review. 

When he saw the contents of the contract, his face changed slightly. “Ms. Olivia, did you mistakenly give us the wrong contract?” 

Kai, who was usually ruthless, carried a look of anger that made people shudder when his expression changed. 

Olivia was also startled by Kai’s reaction and immediately turned to Alice angrily. “Did you give them the wrong contract?” 

Alice trembled in fear, nervously saying, “No… it can’t be. I checked the contract 12 times to make sure there was no problem 


Ms. Olivia had just returned from overseas and was about to cooperate with the Lewises, and it was a contract worth 300 million dollars. How dare she mess this up? 

Olivia also trusted Alice’s competence. Otherwise, she would not have kept her as her secretary. 

Kai handed the contract back to Olivia. “My girlfriend’s company is called Rococo. The company you want to cooperate with is Rococo, not Baroque!” 

Upon hearing this, Alice immediately explained, “We indeed wish to cooperate with Baroque. Rococo produces phones, while Baroque produces chips. We’re interested in Baroque’s phone chips…” 

As soon as these words were spoken, the entire villa fell silent. 

Everyone remained frozen in their postures, as if time had stopped at that moment. 

Kai had seen the world and had dealt with orders worth billions of dollars. He furrowed his brows and asked, “Ms. Olivia, are you sure you want to cooperate with Baroque and not Rococo?” 

“It… shouldn’t be wrong, right?” 

Olivia took a deep breath, her mind in a state of turmoil. Due to time constraints, she did not have the opportunity to thoroughly understand the Lewises. 

She only knew that the Lewises had two companies. One produced chips and was called Baroque; the other produced phones 

and was called Rococo. 

Theo assured her that purchasing chips from Baroque would definitely not be a problem. 

Now the biggest question was if this man was Nash. 

As Olivia’s secretary, Alice naturally guessed what was on Olivia’s mind and cautiously asked, “Mr. Kai, do you perhaps have a middle name that starts with the letter N…..” 

Kai shook his head and said, “No!” 

Upon hearing this, Alice looked at Olivia awkwardly and said, “Oli, I forgot that you don’t know Mr. Watson here. He’s the 

grandson of Walter Watson, the richest person in Jonford!” 

Kai had a high profile in Jonford, but he did not have the qualifications to attract the attention of the CEOs of the top ten .enterprises. 

Especially since Ms. Olivia often traveled abroad or was in other branch offices. 

Olivia was embarrassed and wished she could find a hole to hide in. 


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