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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 67

Chapter 67 

It did not matter if Hera did not respect him. After all, he had had a crush on her for the longest time. 

Yet, even Skadi dared speak to him so conceitedly? 

Hunter stuffed his hands into his pockets and brazenly directed his gaze toward Skadi’s low-cut neckline as he grinned and said, “These are my eyes. I can look anywhere I want to…” 

“You fat ass… Are you trying to get beaten up…” 

Skadi gathered her skirts in her hands and strode over to him. 

She had beaten up countless young heirs. 

Hunter could not help but feel somewhat nervous as he watched Skadi stride over. 

Thankfully, his family’s bodyguards hurried over before she reached him. 

Four bodyguards stood in front of Hunter to protect him. 

Without hesitation, Skadi curled her hands into fists and prepared to fight. 

“Skade, duck…” 

Just then, Hera let out a piercing scream. 

Stunned, Skadi paused and heard an incoming rumble. 


The four bodyguards standing before her got knocked off their feet. 

One of Hunter’s bodyguards bumped into him, and they both fell to the ground. 

Everyone was shocked by the scene before them. 

When they looked to the ground, they saw an old lady dressed in a janitor’s uniform lying unmoving on the ground. 

She had a bloody wound the size of a bowl in her chest. 

By the time every one returned to their senses, nearly a dozen inspectors had already made their way over. 

Close on their heels was Henderson, chief of the inspection office. 

Behind them were Zakariah, head of the martial arts association, Grant from one of the highest-ranking families, Harold, the richest man in Jonford, and several old masters from second-tier families. 

These people were all so powerful that any one of them could cause an earthquake in Jonford by simply stomping their feet. 

Yet, these people were all crowded around a skinny middle-aged man. 

On the man’s left was a stout, burly man wearing a wind jacket and fedora, while a mysterious person wearing a smiley-face mask on his right. 

His mere presence exerted an aura so strong it made it difficult for some to breathe. 

Nash slowly walked over to the old woman. 

He bent down and wiped his hand over her face. 

That tore a mask made from human skin away and revealed the good-looking face beneath it. 

Henderson took in a deep breath and said with trepidation, “What a great disguise… Not even our high-precision facial recognition system managed to detect it…” 

The inspection office had dispatched twenty drones equipped with a high-precision facial recognition system. 

Throughout their dispatchment, the drones had not detected any problems in the faces they had scanned. 

Now, he finally understood why Stellar spent a billion dollars on hiring protection for the warden. 

The inspection office would not be able to deal with assassins on this level. 

Nash slowly straightened up and quietly returned to the warden’s side. 


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