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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71 

Upon seeing how the former God of War was doing now, Stellar could not help but sigh, “Time truly waits for no one. I still have a picture of Mr. Lee when he was younger at our dorm!” 

In the past, the highest-ranking soldiers in the Northern Territory were majors. 

As the war zones had consolidated in recent years, the number of majors had decreased following the addition of the colonel and general titles. 

Tears brimmed in the warden’s eyes when he saw the state his former mentor was in. 

At that very instant, Nash felt a nearly indiscernible murderous intent. 

Goosebumps appeared on Nash’s arms, and his eyes widened. 

A sonic boom reverberated through the ground at that very minute. 

He grabbed the warden and dragged him back in 0.5 seconds. 


The dagger in Nash’s hand found its way into Mr. Lee’s throat. 

Three streams of blood poured out. 

Mr. Lee clapped his hands to his throat and together with his wheelchair, collapsed onto the ground. 

Nash lowered his head to look at his abdomen. Blood had soaked through his black-colored shirt, dying it red. 

Everything had happened in a split second. 

The scene was deathly quiet. 

The Lee family members’ eyes were so wide they nearly fell out from their sockets. 

Those attending the celebration also had looks of disbelief on their faces. 

Mr. Lee… 

Had he just gotten murdered? 

It was his 88th birthday celebration today. 

However, it had just turned into his death anniversary. 

Mr. Lee was a retired major! 

He was a hero who had received countless medals and awards for leading soldiers to protect their country. 

Who was that person wearing a mask? 

Olivia’s face had turned pale, while Joseph’s feet trembled as he stared in rage. 

Even Stellar was frozen in shock. 

“You… you killed my grandfather…” 

Olivia was the first to return to her senses, and her eyes reddened as she roared in fury. 

Joseph’s hands curled themselves into fists as he glared at Nash. 

Stellar helped the warden back onto his feet. “Warden, this…” 

His hands were trembling. 

He was the one who had hired Nash. 

Now that he had murdered Mr. Lee in front of everyone, he would not be spared from the blame either. 

The warden gave Stellar a cold look. “You hired him, but you don’t trust him either?” 

Stellar gulped and lowered his head. 

He used to have a lot of trust in Nash, but he had no way of trusting him now. 

Nash sat on the ground and crossed his legs together. 

Then, Stellar realized there was a pool of blood beneath Nash’s body. 

“Warden, look…” 

“Nash… is injured?” 

Stellar pointed at the blood pooling beneath Nash as he spoke. 


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