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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95 

Nash was slightly taken aback. 

How did Hunter know that Skadi had an accident? It sounded like he thought Skadi was dead. 

Were the Hillls behind what happened tonight? 

To test his hypothesis, Nash sent a reply: [Why did you do it?] 

Hunter sent a surprised emoji. 

After a few seconds of silence, his reply came: [You know everything?] 

Nash continued the conversation: [Crow told me.] 

Hunter immediately sent a voice message. He had deliberately lowered his voice to a very gentle tone. “Hera, Skadi is an obstacle in my pursuit of you. I did this to be with you!” 

The corners of Nash’s mouth twitched. He then replied via text: [Alright then. Don’t you want photos of my legs? I’ll send them to you later.] 

Hunter was extremely excited and replied: [Why don’t we just video call? It’s nighttime now anyway.] 

The moment he started the call, Nash ended it. 

Hunter tried calling again and again, but Nash just rejected it each time. 

[Hera, why aren’t you answering…] 

[I’m already going to show you my legs. Don’t push it!] 

[Hehehe, alright then. Hurry up! I can’t wait!] 

In the Hill family’s villa, Hunter got a bunch of toilet paper from his bedside table. Right after that, Hera sent a few photos. 

He went into WhatsApp and saw a pair of slender and straight long legs. 

However, why was there so much leg hair? 


[Hera, why do you have so much hair on your legs? 



Hunter sent a few more messages, but Hera never replied. 

“Forget it. So what if she has so much leg hair? Once she marries me, I’ll take her to the best beauty salon and have her beautiful legs shaved!” Hunter muttered to himself and then sent the photos to the company’s planning department. 

[Somebody… Please remove the leg hair…] 

Nash cleared the chat messages, a wicked smile appearing on the corners of his mouth. 

Hera turned over at this moment, her hand slapping the wound on Nash’s abdomen. 

“Ouch! What the hell…” 

Caught off guard, Nash grimaced in pain. 

His wound hurting did not have much to do with his pain tolerance. They were two different things. 

Even Nash was unable to tolerate such abrupt pain without prior preparation. 

Hera slowly opened her eyes, and when sh 

saw herself lying in the arms of a man, she abruptly sat up. 

Nash looked calm, but a few drops of cold sweat had already appeared on his forehead. 

Hera thought she was dreaming when she saw that the man was Nash. She pinched the strong muscles in Nash’s abdomen. 

The corner of Nash’s mouth kept twitching. He then suddenly pressed Hera onto the bed and growled. “Stop pinching me. It hurts.” 


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