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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 110

“Does Peter have any moves lately?”

“I’m sorry, I can’t find out anything about him.” John frowned in embarrassment.

Joseph narrowed his eyes, his tone was extremely cold, “This week, no matter what, I want to know his whereabouts.”

At the moment, the phone beside him rang, he restrained his cold tone. His tone was gentle when he picked up the phone, “Mm?”

“Joseph, I’m going home, you don’t have to come to pick me up.”

“Where are you?” Joseph asked.

“Waiting for the bus.”

“Go hang out at the nearby mall and wait for me.” Joseph didn’t give her the space to refute.

“Okay.” Kathy walked to the mall across the street after hanging up the phone.

It was the mall’s anniversary and there were discounts everywhere.

In the past, it was always Alexia who brought her over to do the shopping, and Kathy’s spending behaviour was almost influenced by her.

But now that she was alone, she had no idea where to shop.

She stopped in front of a men’s clothing shop, the sapphire blue shirt worn on the male model at the entrance caught her eyes.

An enthusiastic sales greeted her when she walked in.

“Miss, are you buying clothes for your boyfriend?”

Kathy paused and nodded.

This was a men’s clothing shop, obviously not selling women’s items.

“You can take a look our latest collection.”

But Kathy’s eyes was still focusing on the blue shirt, the sales immediately brought it over.

“Miss, you have a good taste, this is the new collection from our shop this month, it’s always the hot selling collection in our shop.”

Kathy picked it up, the texture of fabric was smooth, the pure colour design was simple but delicate. She liked every single detail on it.

She imagined the way Joseph wore it in her mind, and it looked good.

Joseph had bought her a lot of dress, and she didn’t buy him anything, so she might as well buy him a shirt.

However, after looking at the price tag, Kathy was stunned.


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