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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 112

"Well, I can be really scary if I go on a shopping spree," Kathy said jokingly.

Though she didn't really have to buy anything as there were tons of clothes, shoes and handbags lying around at home. They were more than enough.

“Really? Let me test it out." Upon finishing his sentence, Joseph brought her into a jewellery shop.

Kathy was baffled, the shop assistant immediately came over and greeted them, in front of Kathy were rows and rows of the diamond necklaces.

"I don't need them." Kathy tried to drag Joseph away. She owed him way too much money, how could she ask for more?

But Joseph was overbearing about it, he wasn't going to change his mind. Hence, Kathy walked around the store, she didn't pick out anything even though she did lay her eyes on a few items.

Joseph squinted, he glimpsed at Kathy and he saw that she was unenthusiastic about the whole matter. He felt slightly irritated.

"Bring me the products of the month with the latest design. I'll take all of them." Joseph said abruptly.

Kathy's eyes were now wide open, the shop assistant diligently brought over the latest set of necklaces, bracelets and rings. By force of habit Kathy quickly glanced at the price, she couldn't even finish counting the number of zeroes on the price tags.

"Sir, this is our "Beloved" series, it is our latest jewellery set and it was just in the market last week. There's only one set in City N, it's one of a kind."

Joseph briefly muttered "yes" to the shop assistant and proceeded to pay the bill.

Kathy yanked him and tried to stop him, but his mind was set.

The shop assistant let Kathy try on the jewellery, she looked at herself in the mirror and she was glowing. Her skin was pale, to begin with, and with the shiny jewellery, she was radiant and shimmering.

She only ever owned the golden chain that her father left behind ever since she was young. She wouldn't have thought of buying or even looking at such jewellery when she went on her usual shopping trips together with Alexia.

"Would you please wrap it up for me," Kathy requested as the shop assistant took off the jewellery that she tried on.

"Yes, Miss Kathy." The shop assistant explained a few methods to keep the jewellery in good conditions, but Kathy's eyes were set on Joseph.

The more she received, the more anxious she got.

They went back to the villa after that.

At night, Kathy received a call from her mom.

"Daughter, I'm at the police station…"


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