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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 120

Johnson smiled when he saw Peter’s expression showing a sign of flinching and spoke with a deep voice, “Mr. Champs, I do have a suggestion. NCHV plans to conduct a drug research in Africa recently, and I have gone through your resume, if you’re willing to serve as the person in charge, NCHV can give you a good pay. What do you think?”

Peter’s face was unpleasant, “I only want investment from the Joseph’s Group! Otherwise, even if I don’t have the guts to kill Kathy, I’ll do whatever it takes to destroy her!”

Destroy her!

Alexia who had been eavesdropping outside almost couldn’t stand anymore and wanted to rush in, and Johnson’s assistant immediately stopped her, shaking her head.

After Peter left, Alexia rushed in and pounded the table in a rage, “Johnson, Peter is now a madman! If you guys can’t find out where Kathy is, hurry up and invest!”

Johnson frowned and looked at the time, ten hours had passed, Joseph should almost be back.

“Don’t interfere in this matter, Joseph will deal with it himself.”

“How to deal with it? What has he done when Kathy had been kidnapped for so long?” Alexia was really disappointed in Joseph now. As expected, marriage was something unreliable!

Seeing that Alexia was about to run out, Johnson clasped her wrist, and suddenly Alexia stumbled and fell into his arms, “Joseph will be back soon.”

“I don’t trust him anymore! He doesn’t even care about Kathy!”

“Don’t make a fuss, Alexia, Peter won’t dare to harm Kathy. We will soon find out her whereabouts.” Johnson said assuredly.

Two hours later, a private jet landed at the City N airport, Joseph walked out, and John followed all the way to report the latest status of the investigation.

“Did the Joseph’s Group read the proposal?” Joseph asked.

“Yes, but since the business owner is Peter, no one has agreed to invest.” John frowned.

“Any clues on Madam’s location?”

“It’s targeted at the South Bay Area.”

Joseph nodded and pressed his eyebrows, with an expression that couldn’t hide his fatigue.

At this moment, his phone rang, it was a urgent call from Jade.


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