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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 128

The next day, Kathy woke up early in the morning, Joseph was still sleeping, she moved quietly without disturbing him. After ordering their breakfast, she sat beside and read her book.

At this moment, her phone rang, it was a call from her mother.

“Kathy, I went to the police station today. Peter has been arrested, and it has been confirmed that he’s the one who broke into our house and harassed me, but it doesn’t seem to be enough to sentence him to jail.” Angela said in agitation.

“Then let’s wait for the notice from the police station, at least he got his punishment.”

“I heard from the police that the investigation progress was smooth because someone had submitted the evidence, was it Joseph?”

“Yea.” Kathy replied, and subconsciously turned to look at Joseph who was still sleeping soundly.

During this period, Joseph was busy enough with his own work, but still needed to take care of her mess, Kathy was truly grateful.

“That kid is really good, Kathy, you’ve found a good husband!”

Kathy couldn’t help but smile sweetly, it seemed like she really did…

It’s been almost half a year since she got married to Joseph, and she had seen all the good things he had done for her.

It’s just that she didn’t know how to repay his effort.

After hanging up the phone, Kathy was lost in thought until the phone rang again, it was a call from Alexia.

“Kathy, why didn’t you tell me about such a big news?” Alexia said in anger.

Kathy was baffled, “What’s wrong?”

Something big happened recently?

“Don’t tell me that you don’t know about Dr. Joseph’s resignation, now the hospital has approved it!”

“What?” Kathy was stunned, she didn’t even know about this matter.

Joseph resigned…

Why would he resign? He was a reputable neurologist…

“You really don’t know about it! It pisses me off, Kathy, now the NCHV has spread the news that not only Joseph quits to become a doctor, but the R&D project is also going to be suspended.”

With her ears echoing with Alexia’s words, Kathy frowned and walked back to the bedroom. She looked at Joseph’s handsome sleeping face, she seemed to be the last one to know about his resignation…


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