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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 13

Alexia froze, watching Joseph's footsteps stopped in front of Kathy. "Are you free today?"

Kathy shook her head. She had to take Alexia home.

"What plan do you have?"

"I'm taking Alexia home. She's not feeling well."

"I'll take her back first and you need to go with me to somewhere later." Joseph said in a command tone.

Kathy frowned, and Alexia immediately said, "Kathy, follow with Dr. Joseph. I'll just go home by myself."

"No, I'll send you back home first." Kathy put her arm around Alexia's arm.

In the car, Alexia was too scared to talk and only sent messages to Kathy.

Kathy was in the passenger seat, and Alexia's messages just kept coming in.

"Really married?"


"When did it happen?"

"A week ago."

"How did you meet each other?"

"... A blind date."

Kathy frowned. It was true that she and Joseph met on a blind date, but she was dating with other man.

"God, you even have such high-quality man? Oh, I also want!"

Kathy frowned, couldn't help to think of Billy. She didn't know him well, and he was even very angry when he knew that she had a boyfriend in the coffee shop, both leaving unhappily. .

But when he saw her off a few days ago, he was gentle.

"Keep watching for me."

Kathy and Alexia were texting, and Joseph saw that, frowned, and he put his foot down on the gas pedal, but Kathy didn't pay attention, almost hit.

Joseph put his hand over her forehead and said, "No texting."

Kathy blinked. Joseph's eyes were with deterrence. She just put the phone away.

Alexia looked at the couple in front of her. This was a public display of affection.


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