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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 143

Back at her new home, Kathy can't wait to go into the kitchen. She didn't particularly like cooking before, but now she actually felt that to cook for someone was a wonderful thing.

Seeing Joseph also come in, Kathy drove him out, "Go and have a rest for a while. I’ll do it."

A shadow of a smile touched his mouth. He walked out the kitchen and left Kathy enjoy herself.

Kathy bought a lot of fresh seafood, and after a while a scream came from the kitchen. When Joseph came in, he saw fish and shrimp crawling on the ground.

He frowned, quickly rolled up his sleeves, squatted down and took the seafood into the sink, and started to clean them skillfully.

Kathy stared at him blankly. Although she knew that Joseph was good at cooking, she hoped that Joseph could rest today and she would prepare a big meal for him.

But it seemed that she failed.

Kathy hugged Joseph from behind in annoyance, "You got them ready. Can I cook them by myself?"

"Let me cook for you." Joseph kissed Kathy on the forehead and learned what she did just now to drive Kathy out.

He even locked the kitchen door.

Across the glass door, Kathy's face was completely attached to the window, and she looked at Joseph without blinking.

Good-looking people looked good at doing everything.

Kathy quietly recorded a video of the scene, and immediately posted it on Microblog.

"The man is the most handsome when he cooks."

Joseph was good at cooking. Kathy was full and ready to wash the dishes, but she found that the kitchen was equipped with a dishwasher.

"There will be servants coming up to clean and cook every day. You don't need to do it yourself." Joseph clasped Kathy's wrist, and she suddenly fell into his arms.

"Um... I can actually clean and cook." Kathy whispered.


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