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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 146

"Joseph, you are also an investor! If HY Group loses, you have no profit!" Peter's emotion was flooded. This was his big plan. It was a good opportunity to make him succeed!

But now, if he goes to F country...it's tantamount to giving up the entire domestic market.

"Well, what I want was not the profit of HY Group. The investment was only for Mrs. Joseph, Peter, I don’t forgive your past misdeeds. "Joseph said indifferently.

This made Peter completely panic. He came here to ask Joseph for help, so that HY Group does not need to move to F country.

But now... Joseph did it deliberately.

"My time is precious, and my life is also precious. Please drive carefully next time."

With that, Joseph got into the car, told the driver to reverse and left through another exit.

The last eye was that Peter looked at Kathy resentfully.

Kathy was really shocked by Peter suddenly just now, and couldn't help but stared at him angrily.

Joseph turned her face, "Don't look at him again."

"I don't look at him." Kathy retorted subconsciously, "He is really getting crazy."

"The way to treat a lunatic is to let him leave here forever." Joseph said solemnly.

Kathy heard the conversation between Joseph and Peter just now, so the reason Joseph framed HY Group was that he wanted Peter to move to F country?

This made her shocked.

The move of HY Group to F country was quickly reported by the media. The media reporters blocked the door of HY Group early, but Peter had never shown up.

The current reports were about that the employees of HY Group who had just hired for less than a month have left. Now only Peter will go to F country.

He needed to pay price for what he did.


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